Header Graphic

You can add your logo to the top left of your website.  Your Logo should be 65 pixels in height and up to 215 pixels in width. 

Directions to upload an image:
  1. Save an Image to your computer (hard-drive) OR TO YOUR DESKTOP - AN EASY WAY TO ACCESS FOR UPLOADING
  2. Click on Image Gallery
  3. Click Browse
  4. Find the image you saved and double click on it
  5. The image link will appear in the box above
  6. Click Save - Your Image is now uploaded to the site

To add a new logo, from our picture gallery: 

Click Gallery        Select Your Image        Double Click On Image (It will then appear in the box above)
To add a custom logo:       
First, you must upload your custom logo to the images section of the engine
Next, follow instructions above To select your custom image, select MY IMAGES when you go into the back engine